by Charles Lueker

JavaScript is the language that makes things happen. It does this using functions. Harken back to your high school algebra days. Each section below utilizes a function that does something specific when you click "Run". Play around and see what happens.

Function #1

This function takes a string (tech talk for a sequence of characters: letters/ numbers/ spaces/ etc...) and checks to make sure that the string has a length of exactly three characters. It returns "true" if the string length is three or "false" if it is not three.

typing "run" will give you "true", but "no" will give you "false"

Function #2

This function takes two sets (aka arrays[]) of integers, "a" and "b", and returns a new array[] joining the elements of array "a" followed by the elements of array "b".

Enter any inputs you'd like, but make sure to separate each item with a comma.
Array a
Array b

Function #3

Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter followed by lower case letters. This function takes a potentially improperly capitalized proper noun and returns the same noun with the proper capitalization.

Function #4

This function takes a string and returns the letters in alphabetical order by upper and lower case.

ex. My Home = HMemoy

Function #5

Here I've written a function from scratch that returns the absolute value of a given integer without the use of the special JavaScript method called Math.abs(...).

Function #6

This function returns the smaller of two numbers.

Enter any two numbers below.

Function #7

This function maps a given integer to a month.

For example:
entering 1 and pressing "Run" will give you "January"

Enter a number between 1 and 12 inclusive.

Function #8

Here, a function returns the sum of squares of all integers from 1 up to and including a given positive, non-zero integer N.

Enter your number here.

Function #9

This function finds the max difference between any two adjacent numbers.

Enter a list of numbers and separate them by commas.

Function #10

This function transforms a given sentence into a new one with dashes between each two consecutive characters while it ignores spaces.

For example:
insertDashes('abba test') => a-b-b-a t-e-s-t

Write a short sentence here.

Function #11

This function outputs the substring of a given string within specified bounds without using the JavaScript method String.substring().

Please note, when counting in JavaScript, we often start with 0 instead of 1. That is the case here.

For example:
'abcde', 2, 3 = 'cd'

Function #12

This one swaps two halves of a given array[]. If the array has an odd number of elements, the array will be split in half by rounding down the number of elements divided by two.

For example:
[1,2,3,4,5] will equal = [3,4,5,1,2]

Function #13

For a given n and k, this function returns the count of the number of multiples of k that are not greater than n.

For example:
Entering 4 and 1 will = 3 because 1*2, 1*3 and 1*4 are not greater than 4.

Input number "n"
Input number "k"